Landscape Design > Pierson Library

The master design for the Pierson Public Library in Shelburne Vermont was created by garden designer and horticulturalist Charlotte Albers. In 2022 Charlotte invited me to redesign this south entry garden, working into an existing structure of juniper shrubs, a dwarf crab apple, and a mass of little bluestems. I used and moved existent plants from elsewhere on the site while adding new selections for this hot, dry site that also filters some runoff from the library roof. The goal of the library gardens and landscapes is to model sustainable design and plant selections for the built environment. Since 2022 I've been helping Charlotte to oversee the gardens and landscape at the Library, and in 2023 and 2024, I initiated a partnership between the library and UVM Extension. Together we oversee the gardens and offer public programming on ecological best practices in the garden and landscape.